Cinnamon AI 完成C輪共1300萬美元募資

希納蒙人工智慧股份有限公司(Cinnamon AI Taiwan Inc., 下稱Cinnamon AI)自2016年成立以來,經歷4年的成長與全球擴展,本公司很榮幸宣布於今年4月,Cinnamon AI 已完成C輪募資(Series C),獲得共1300萬美元之投資與債務融資。


此次募資由D4V (Design For Ventures) 與矽谷Pegasus Tech Ventures 領投,目標除了持續強化核心技術、加速產品進程以外,也將加強提升Cinnamon AI全球知名度,以延攬更多優秀跨國AI人才加入。


Cinnamon AI的產品致力於解決人類面對的繁瑣事項,包含各項辦公室會遇到的效率問題:將紙本文件轉成數位檔案、紙本數字計算與輸入、會議記錄與錄音檔數位化等場景,運用機器學習技術,進行文字、語音辨識理解,幫助企業自動化執行複雜且耗時的業務,釋放人類創意潛能!


今年在Covid-19疫情影響之下,我們預期全球企業與經濟活動將重新佈局與規劃,企業生產與工作方式也將歷經變革。Cinnamon AI 將在此變動下,持續不間斷的提供AI解決方案給企業客戶,持續協助企業主提高生產力,幫助客戶增強企業價值!



Cinnamon has raised 13 Million USD for Series C with Venture Capital Funds of D4V and Pegasus Tech Ventures and Debt Finance.

◼︎The objective of acquiring the investment and the new Shareholders

To achieve the vision of ‘Extend human potential by eliminating repetitive tasks’, Cinnamon strengthens the below key areas;

○ Hiring top level talents especially for highly skilled AI talents globally,

○ Accelerating the growth by increasing the company reputation and expanding customer network behind building the strong investor structure,

○ Strengthening the core technologies and user interfaces of the AI products,

○ Building the strong organizations to provide cutting-edge AI technologies and quality customer services in Japan, Vietnam, and Taiwan, and

○ Investing R&D to create new AI products like Voice Recognition.


◼︎New Investors:

○ D4V Fund I L.P. (General Partner:D4V LLP)

○ Venture Capital Fund of PEGASUS TECH VENTURES(General Partner:Md Anis Uzzaman)


○ Prof. Tsuyoshi Natsuno (Guest Professor, Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance)

○ Other investors



○ Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

○ Japan Finance Corporation

○ The Shoko Chukin Bank


◼︎Up-coming plans

The global economy has been in the crisis due to the COVID-19 breakout.  Corporates have been shifted to remote work and faced with the situation that they have to reconsider the future of our workstyle seriously.  Cinnamon AI has provided various AI products to improve the productivity of business people.  We continue to drive the work efficiency of corporations and to provide AI solutions to strengthen the corporate values of our customers.